ExhibitorEase Guide: Planning for the Show
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Exhibiting should be a powerful marketing tool that complements your company’s overall strategy. To produce positive results through exhibiting, determine your specific goals and objectives before planning any other aspect of the show. Section 1: PLANNING FOR THE SHOWOBJECTIVES HELP . . . Generate Orders; Analyze Leads; SellGoals define your desired results.
Objectives describe the means to achieving those results.
Include your entire show staff in the development process of defining your goals and objectives. This will ensure their commitment and enthusiasm once you get to the show. Write down your goals and objectives, allowing room for changes as they take shape. During the hectic and somewhat chaotic atmosphere of an exhibition, the written goals and objectives will serve as a reminder to your team of their mission at the show. For planning purposes ask the show management to provide you with historical data such as expected size and composition of show attendees, high and low traffic periods, and other valuable information. SectionsSection 1: Planning for the Show |